Meat BuyersSite where Buyers and operate their operations. Buyers can access information about stock available for sale by producers. This access allows buyers to access information regarding the history of individual goats and herds for sale. With proper access codes producers may allow buyers access to review the medical and genetic histories via this link.
Misc. BuyersBuyers of non-meat and non-dairy goats including buyers of fiber and heritage breeds.
Buyers' BlogForum for Buyers to communicate directly with one another. Producers cannot access this blog as it is exclusive for Buyers.
Dairy BuyersSite where Buyers of dairy products and dairy livestock can operate. Buyers can access information about the quality of the dairy products as well as goat production history. With proper access codes producers my allow buyers access to review the individual goat and herd data.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about how Buyers can utilize this site
My Buyer's InboxBuyer's Inbox that has the added benefit to Buyer of being completely searchable and linkable to Producer and Genetic Databases.